27-29th January 2015. MOSCOW, CROCUS EXPO
The most recent trends of the TV broadcasting business, as well as the evolution and the future of the television were the main themes at the 16th International Forum and Tradeshow CSTB’2014.
The experts of television and telecom industries from 27 countries discussed the most topical themes of the Russian TV broadcasting industry.
The 16th CSTB’2014 Forum and Tradeshow has successfully taken place in Moscow’s “Crocus Expo” Centre. The
events of the CSTB have been visited by 23757 people. During the three days of the Forum, from the 28 to 30th of
January the participants as well as the visitors familiarized themselves with the achievement of the leading Russian and international telecom and broadcasting companies, operators and manufacturers. The space of the tradeshow was over 18000 square meters with over 500 exhibitors from 27 countries of the world. The events gained the support of the Moscow Government, Moscow Chamber of Trade and Industry, The Federal Agency for Media and Mass Communications, The RF Chamber of Trade and Industry as well as the Russian Association of Cable
Television and the International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers (IABM).
The CSTB’2014 Exhibition presented a new section - CONNECTED TV & MOBILE MULTIMEDIA, where the technical solutions were exemplified by the content via IPTV, mobile and Internet TV, social networks, online video services on all types of consumer’s devices.
At the business agenda of CSTB’2014 the international and Russian experts were discussing the prospects of the ultra-high definition TV development. They have also presented the most recent available market solutions and the strategies for the television and telecom industries.
The starting point of the event was a Round Table called “The Television of the ХХI century – the development and the competition between the traditional broadcasting and the innovative services”. The Round table was participated by the representatives of the Ministry of Communications, The Federal Communications Agency, the top-managers of the largest companies and paid TV, leaders of the professional organization. “During the 15 years of its existence the CSTB’2014 Tradeshow and Forum became the leading site for professional discussions”,- said Yuri Pripachkin, the president of the Russian Association of Cable Television in his speech as he welcomed the participants of the Table. Mr. Pripachkin noted that over the last year the off-the-air TV grew by 13% and amounted to 52 bln. Rubles with the growth of the subscriber’s number of 9%, while the number of digital TV subscribers grew by 23%, up to 18,3 mln. households.
The Round Table participants noted that it is necessary to regulate the rules for the paid and free television, t provide the high-quality and interesting content, to develop the operator’s services, HD-watching, expanded interactive watching and Internet technologies. “ The technical opportunities of signal delivery will soon be unlimited. S those companies that manage to provide the quality content for the subscribers will definitely win in the future!”- was the comment of Alexei Volin, the Russian Deputy Minister of Mass Communications in Russia.
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The 17th International Tradeshow and Forum CSTB’2015 will
take place from January 27 to 29, 2015 in Crocus Expo» Center.